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Cookies usage

Use of cookies

Cookies are small data files that are necessary for the proper functioning of the site, and that is why we sometimes place them on your computer, as most other large websites do.

What are cookies?

Text files that the website saves on your computer or mobile device when you start using the website. This allows the site to remember the actions you performed on it for a certain period of time (such as login information, language, etc.), so you don't have to re-enter this information and jump from one page to another.

Cookies are not used to collect any sensitive personal information from users.

What does use cookies for?

  • Customize your site content based on your previous actions
  • Information about users' movements and actions on the web (completely anonymous for statistical and marketing purposes)
  •     Personalize content to properly target ads (remarketing)

How to adjust the use of cookies?

The use of cookies can be customized according to your needs (eg you can delete them). You can delete all cookies that are already on your computer and most browsers also offer the option to prevent cookies from being stored on your computer. However, if you use this option, you may need to manually adjust some preferences each time you visit the site, and you may not be able to exclude restrictions on some site services and features.